The Mobile-type PWCS provides pneumatic Waste Conveyance using a specially designed pneumatic suction truck, known as the E-ROSE. In this application of the PWCS, the bin center is not required in the development. Refuse is temporarily stored in refuse storage tanks and transported along suspended or underground piping into the E-ROSE, via the pneumatic suction of the exhauster fans installed within the E-ROSE. RVAC is the pioneer in Mobile- type PWCS in Singapore.

The Stationary-type PWCS operates using the same engineering philosophy, with the exception that a bin center is located within the development and refuse is transported from storage tanks along the piping and into the refuse containers located at the bin center. The containers will be hauled by regular hook lift trucks and sent for disposal at the incineration plants.

Besides the provision of PWCS to residential and commercial developments, RVAC also provides industrial and commercial waste collection through the supply of its 19ft Open Top containers, REL collection and haulage services using its hook lift truck

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